Our Philosophy

We honour children...
We honour all children as unique and capable people, deserving of recognition and respect.
We acknowledge that children deserve to play in a space of beauty, that is creative, nurturing and wonderous.
Our environments promote children’s sense of agency, support developing identities and their sense of belonging. We view play as integral to a child’s development and work intentionally to provide opportunities that will develop their interests and skills.
We believe that each stage of development is equally important and each stage is a building block towards becoming school and life ready. We support children to reach their full potential from birth to school entry. We walk with children in discovery and as educators, see ourselves as co-learners in our relationships.
We work within a holistic framework to ensure we are responsive to children’s needs.
We advocate and support the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and guided by the Early Childhood Australia’s Code of Ethics.
“Childhood is a time for being in the here and now and not solely about preparation
for the future.” - ECA Code of Ethics.
We honour families and our community...
Our practice is shaped by meaningful engagement with our families and local community. We develop close professional relationships with children and families to ensure we are able to contribute to honest, reciprocal and meaningful conversations that will ensure best outcomes for children.
We value families as a child’s first and foremost contributor to their understandings and knowledge.
We work in partnership with families and community, believing that it does in fact “take a village to raise a child”.
We believe that kindness, compassion and respect are the core elements of building a community.
We value our relationships with our wider community and believe exploring our community together with children will deepen their sense of belonging and understanding of how they contribute as global citizens.
We honour the diversity within our families and community and work with intention to ensure Euroka is a safe place for all.
We investigate and continue to learn about our Australian history. We acknowledge the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples as the First People of Australia and work towards achieving Reconciliation.
We honour the natural world….
We celebrate and acknowledge that we grow and learn on the land of the Darug and Gundungurra people and thank them for taking care of the land on which we work and play. At Euroka, we show respect for all living creatures and the natural world. We seek out opportunities to play in our local bush land and to develop the love and skills to become the future custodians of the land. We promote a shared lens of understanding within our community regarding the importance of respecting and looking after our world. We engage in sustainable practices within the service and in partnership with our children, strive to adopt better ways to support our planet.
We honour our Educators and Support Team….
Each team member is a valuable and unique contributor to Euroka and plays a significantly important role in the lives of children and families. Our educators are committed to continual critical reflection, research and professional development in order to implement high quality practices, ways of being and pedagogies. We will support all stakeholders in their work and commitment to the National Quality Framework. Our team is deserving of recognition and respect and we will continue to advocate for fair wages and community recognition for our sector.